
I am a photographic artist based in Brighton UK. I received a BA in Photographic Arts from Polytechnic of Central London (now theUniversity of Westminster) in the 80’s. Having to then work full-time and loneparent, making time to produce work when I could, I am now able to devoteall of my time to mypractice.

My work has explored family, sexuality, trauma and beingcommitted to art activism focusing on climate crises with a working-class queerfeminist perspective. I have adapted my practice from traditional toxicproduction of lens based images, to experiment with less harmful processes- such as cyanotype,anthotype, lumen, projection, using bioplastic, found items, deconstructing andreworking my  archive, photo-weaving, always critiquing how I make work and minimisingthe need for fossil-fuel based art materials.

My most recent work “The Men” made January 24 whilst in Residencyin Phoenix Artspace Brighton, used a variety of alternative processes to makework, naming each after the CEO’s of corporations responsible for the climatecrises, past and present and which will remain an ongoing project.

I have exhibited and been published in the UK, Europe and Canada.


2024 Ethereality The Photobook Café London

2024 "The Men" Pistil Collective The Crypt Gallery London

2023 “Yes its Personal, Yes its Political” Exposure Festival Canada with  Tend Collective

2023 Format Festival- https://www.gaslightingart.com/ “I Hold My Hand” curated online by Miranda Gavin

2022 “Yes its Personal, Yes its Political” Hundred Heroines Silent Protest  exhibition Gloucester

2022 Member of Tend Collective evolving from Hundred Heroines

2021 “I Hold My Hand”, “Gaslighting” exhibition with SEAS

2020 “Brighton Wasted” Lacuna Festival Canary Islands

2019 “Curating Whispers” with Form Collective at Derby Photo Fringe

2019 Shutterhub “Everything I Ever Learned” Cambridge University

2019 Selected work from three projects shown at the Hundred Heroines exhibition“(Un)Framing Ourselves: Representation on the Line” in Chelsea, London: “I Hold My Hand”, “Salt” and “Bound”
“Curating Whispers” also shown as part of Form Collective at this show. Also shown in Blackpool

2019 “Curating Whispers” SEAS (Socially Engaged Artists Salon) Brighton, “Riot”

2019 Instagram takeover- Form Collective

2018 Work-Show-Grow with Natasha Caruana and Juno Calypso for Brighton Photo Fringe ”Totem”

2018 Shutterhub in London and Amsterdam - “Salt”

2016 Instagram takeovers- Open Doors Project ; Women In Photo.

2016 Brighton Photo Fringe with Tri-Pod Collective “Salt”

2016 Featured on Fleur and Arbor website

2015 “Beach Topography”  London Analogue Festival

2014 Brighton Photo Fringe Collectives Hub with Merge Collective “Brighton Wasted”

2013 Urban Photo Fest at Tate Britain

Publications & Online Media

Shroud/Σάβανο” An Altered Landscape online journal for contemporary  landscape photography

2023 “Shroud/Σάβανο” for Voices Above Water pub TheStarving  Artist

2022 Photography and Queer Social Practices “SEASZine” anthology of Queer Photography: A Non-definitive Survey

2022 “I Hold My Hand” published in Gaslighting  magazine

2019 “Curating Whispers” andinterview featured in Loupe magazine

2015 "Salt" featured in Fotografia Magazine

2015 “Brighton Wasted” in The Point magazine


2024 Wick Residency Somerset UK

2024 Phoenix Artspace Winter Residency Brighton UK

2023 Cycladic Arts Residency Greece

2022  Ano Asites AIR Greece

Using Format